Monday, 25 March 2019

Microsoft SQL Server Database and DB log File Shrinking in one shot

Microsoft SQL Server Database and DB log File Shrinking in one shot

Most of the time  our database server use to go out of memory, whenever we restore Prod copy on Dev, then we use to do shrinking of log files and Database, doing this one by one is big task. Then I thought of doing this in one shot, here I am sharing a SQL code for the same.
I have used [sysdatabases] and [master_files] tables to get required metadata, and “while loop” for repeating DBCC Shrink for all databases, we can even do this using Courser but I prefer While loop in simple cases.

--#1 Get all Database names, Log file names and metadata by this SQL
select as DBName,db.[dbid], as DBFileName,df.type_Desc,df.State_desc
into #DBNames from [master].[sys].[sysdatabases] db inner join
[master].[sys].[master_files] df on df.database_id = db.[dbid]
and not in ('master','tempdb','model','msdb') and df.State_desc='ONLINE'
-- Sample Result
DBName        dbid   DBFileName           type_Desc    State_desc
AccountsDW    5             AccountsDW_Data      ROWS         ONLINE
AccountsDW    5             AccountsDW_log       LOG          ONLINE
SalesMaster   6             SalesMaster_Data ROWS             ONLINE
SalesMaster   6             SalesMaster_Log      LOG          ONLINE
--#2 Declare required variables
Declare @DBID int =0, @MaxDBID int =0,@MinDBID int =0
Declare @SQL varchar(max)='',@DBName varchar(200),@Filename varchar(100)=''

--#3 Take Min Max DB id for further looping logic
Select @MinDBID=Min([dbid]),@MaxDBID=Max([dbid]) from #DBNames
-- Setting Starting point from Minimun DBID
Set @DBID = @MinDBID

--#4 Take DB name, log file name for shrinking in loop.
---- Here i have used 'LOG' in where condition because we need Log file name in ShringFile() function .
---- and Databse name for ShringDatabase() Function.
Select @DBName = DBName, @Filename=DBFileName from #DBNames where [dbid] = @MinDBID and type_Desc = 'LOG'

--#5 Loop for all databases
while @DBID<=@MaxDBID
  -- Used Dynamic SQL for all databases.
  Set @SQL ='Use '+@DBName+ ' '+Char(10)
  Set @SQL += 'DBCC SHRINKFILE('+@Filename+',5)' +Char(10)
  Set @SQL += 'DBCC SHRINKDATABASE('+@DBName+')'+Char(10)
  --#6 Increment DBid for looping over all databases
  Set @DBID = @DBID+1
  Select @DBName = DBName, @Filename=DBFileName from #DBNames where [dbid] = @DBID and type_Desc = 'LOG'
  Print (@SQL)
  Exec (@SQL)
--#7 Final Output Print, wheich will execute one by one.
Use AccountsDW

Use SalesMaster
DBCC SHRINKFILE(SalesMaster_Log,5)

Sys table help

Thank you,
please leave your feedback and suggestions, your new ideas could help many more developers. 

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Mobile Internet Issue On ASUS Zenfone Max Pro M1, ASUS_X00TD

Mobile Internet Issue On ASUS Zenfone Max Pro M1

  ASUS Zenphone max Pro M1 (ASUS_X00TD), recently i faced data connection issue in my phone 4G Volt, i tried all options, Installing new internet settings, Updating APN
but it did not worked, after doing lot of search and study i fixed this, here is how.
go to your setting -->
1)    Network & Internet --> Mobile Network --> Advanced --> APN --> Here Delete all APN's
2) Then restart phone without APN
3) go to again same APN Setting  Network & Internet --> Mobile Network --> Advanced --> APN --> Options on right top --> Click Reset Default.

after this your internet will start as usual and fast.

Thank you.